 Behaviour Management Models Across Europe
ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for School Education
ADDISS in partnership with Woodcroft School has been invited to take part in an exciting European project with partners from Italy, Belgium, Romania and Portugal. The basis of the project is outlined below.
BEHAVE Project Abstract
Medical statistical data reveals that Social Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties (SEBD) are often associated with other medical conditions such as ADHD, depression, learning difficulties, mental retardation, psychosis, autism and so on. The prevalence of these disorders is 2-16% of the general population. Children with SEBD, diagnosed or not, are likely to live in social isolation, to receive a poor education, and they risk becoming deviant teenagers, or unemployed adults. Teachers and staff with responsibility for behavioral matters in school are often alone in the management of these difficulties, and poorly prepared for dealing complicated educational challenges. The bad management of the SEBD provokes further costs for the health system and, more in general, for the whole society.
A way to approach SEBD with consistent level of educational success is to equip teachers with proper training on practical and proven classroom management strategies that can help them to effectively control difficult behaviours with confidence and competence.
The BEHAVE project aims exactly to reinforce and enlarge networks and to promote a transnational culture about some of the most effective strategies to approach SEBDs in classroom. To pursue this aim the project provides a set of tools to empower teacher’s professional profile also enhancing the sharing of evidence and knowledge. The BEHAVE target are teachers of primary schools who are daily involved in the fight to guarantee SEBD students a better quality of life. The estimated number of both direct and indirect participants is about 650 among teachers in training (about 500) and stakeholders.
More in depth, the project carry out the following activities:
– The adaptation of the WHAAM application developed in a previous LLL European project. Currently, this application offers an ICT-based solution supporting the observation of ADHD behaviours in order to better comprehend their meaning and plan appropriate, well-timed, and statistically consistent interventions. The BEHAVE intends to add new features to the WHAAM app in order to widen its scope and make it available for other psychological disorders.
– The development of a Behavior Management Hub (BMH) to sustain a community of teachers and experts that tackle daily behavioral problems at schools. It collects also relevant materials and educational resources adaptable to both formal and informal learning, contributing to the lifelong learning of teachers and everyone who is a motivated user. The hub represent also the main tool to sustain the establishment of a community of practice interested in the topics of the project.
– The design and delivery of 5 three-day specialization courses about the most popular and effective models of behavioral management across Europe for the benefit of primary schools’ teachers. The courses will take place in each partner country (IT, UK, PT, RO, BE).
– The implementation of the BEHAVE survey to investigate how the government of the nations involved in the project address the behavior management at school.
– The organization of 4 multiplier events, some devoted to verify the coherence between project objectives and outputs, other to disseminate the results and increase the expected impact.
A consistent project management methodology will be set up to carry out the project. This methodology is aimed at translating all the project workflow in appropriate, professional, repeatable, standardized, and documented collection of processes, tools, technique and templates.
Generally, we expect to make a direct impact, both at local and transnational level, mainly on Children with Social Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties (SEBD), teachers and educational staff, partner organizations and other stakeholders. To obtain the envisaged impact a combination of tangible and intangible project results will be achieved: primarily in enhancing intrinsic teachers experience and expertise in managing SEBD, promoting the development of professional networks, increasing compliance and trust among educational and health professionals, building skilled community of practices. All these results are linked to a smart application of ICTs to boost and promote new practices and approaches in the Evidence Based Education.
The BEHAVE project have also long-term benefits. It, in fact, can represent an important reference point for orienting policies and intervention in the sector of the education for special needs. Coherently with the strategic objectives in the ET 2020 framework, the project promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, for children and adolescents with SEBD, and for their caregivers. Its actions are improving the quality and the efficiency of education by means of the provision of training and learning paths for teachers and educational staff.
Mood mAPPer Participant Recruitment
We are inviting
teenagers aged between 12-18 years who struggle with concentrating, impulsivity
or sitting still to help us study how young peoples moods go up and down in
everyday life using a new app
We will ask both parent and teenager some questions
during a meeting (approx. 1.5hrs) at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
and Neuroscience at Denmark Hill, London. The teenager will also be given a
new Mood mAPPer device for 1 week to carry around.
This is an iPod with an app that will ask the teenager to
quickly (2mins) rate their mood while they are out and about a few times
during the day. The results of this study will be helpful in understanding
mood changes in young people and the development of appropriate treatments.
people between the ages of 12-18 years who speak English proficiently, have
not history of neurological, psychotic or autistic disorder, and are not
taking psychoactive medication/are happy to interrupt their medication for 1
week are eligible to take part in the Mood mAPPer
Project together with their parents.
As a
thank-you, the teenager will be given a voucher (love2shop or Amazon) of up
to £35! Travel expenses for both teenager and parent will also be reimbursed.
If you are
interested in taking part or wish to find out more, please contact the
research team via phone: 07940 407 664,
email: moodmapperresearch@gmail.com
or leave your contact details via this link so the Mood mAPPer
team can get In touch with you: Mood
mAPPer- Contact Me Form!
This study
has been approved by the NHS Ethical committee NRES Hampstead (ref:
INTER-STAARS - Baby Research
Birkbeck BabyLab and the University of
Southampton are launching a treatment program for infants at risk of ADHD!
They are looking for babies under 1 year, with a family history of ADHD to
take part in the exciting new study....
ADHD often isnt diagnosed until 6 or 7 years of age, when problems with
attention span and behaviour are already becoming disruptive. Medication and
parent training programs are available for children with an ADHD diagnosis, however, the best time to intervene is in
infancy before the full symptoms of ADHD emerge. Currently, there are no
available interventions for this age group.
To solve this problem, the research teams at Birkbeck
and Southampton are running a study to look at the effectiveness of a new,
computer-based, attention-training program to treat babies at increased risk
for ADHD. The training program uses state-of-the-art technology to show
rewarding images when the baby looks at certain parts of the screen.
Researchers hope that this will help babies develop concentration and
attention skills.
For this study, researchers will be recruiting 50 infants (in either London
or Southampton) who have an older sibling or parent with ADHD. Twenty-five
babies will get 12 home-based visits where theyll watch cartoons. The other
twenty-five babies will do the attention-training program during these
sessions. This allows researchers to compare the groups and see if the
training program has an effect. If successful, this study will help provide
support to families who have a child diagnosed with ADHD and lay groundwork
for other treatment programs. The study will be running for the next two
years (until July 2017). .
OUR FUNDRAISERS www.justgiving.com/addiss ADDISS MOVING
If you would like to take part in a fundraising trek,
there are many destinations and many options. The treks are organized by
Charity Challenge. Further details can be found on their website www.charitychallenge.com
Create your own fundraising page on Justgiving.com and email the link to all
your potential sponsors. ADDISS will help to promote your page as well.
The web address is www.justgiving.com/addiss
 Jenny Missen, Andrea Bilbow OBE! and Professor Eric Taylor
Andrea Bilbow OBE!
We are immensely proud and delighted to congratulate Andrea Bilbow, ADDISS
Chief Executive, on her Order of the British Empire (OBE), in recognition of over
20 years working to educate, inform and support those interested in, and
impacted by ADHD. The honour was announced in the Queens birthday honours
list on 15th June 2013.
Professor Eric Taylor and Jenny Missen have issued this statement on behalf
of the ADDISS Professional Board and the ADDISS Trustees:
Congratulations Andrea on the thoroughly deserved OBE!
We all recognise what you stand for: A is for advocacy N is for nous D is for determination R is for resilience E is for excellence A is for accessibility Advocacy Andrea is the most effective champion for the recognition of ADHD and for
meeting the needs of people who have ADHD and their families. She does this
at many kinds of level - from arguing with a school about helping an individual
child or avoiding expulsion, through advising schools and clinical services
about the nature of the problem and how they can usefully respond, to the
more political scene where she has been seen by civil servants and MPs as a
credible and moderate voice that they can trust. The ADHD is Real campaign
that she developed a few years ago was a big step in making an impact on the
public consciousness. Nous She has been very insightful in understanding the needs of the whole ADHD
community. She wisely avoided the possible PR traps of lining up either for
or against individual medicines or individual practitioners. This has given
her the authority of speaking without competing interests and the integrity
resulting from that. Determination It would be hard to overstate the effort that Andrea has put in to
working on our behalf. There have been so many battles to fight, not only for
individuals but to achieve better understanding through a screen of media
misinformation and widespread prejudice. It must sometimes have been very
daunting to try to change settled and unreasonable attitudes; but shes been
able to maintain the optimism that things can improve and the faith that
shes working along the right lines. Resilience This has been essential because Andrea has had to sustain an organisation
as well as a personal commitment. When statutory services have been unable to
give good levels of advice to parents then she has come up with very
practical approaches - such as the 123 magic programme that she has been
teaching and disseminating nationally. Excellence The ADDISS conferences have been remarkable. Shes been able to invite
international speakers and to persuade them to present without payment and in
eclectic style. The atmosphere of these conferences has been open,
stimulating and very varied. They have been able to blend personal
experiences, good science, and inspirational presentations in a way that can
be interesting and helpful for a range of people - from those first
encountering ADHD in their children or themselves to those who have spent
professional lifetimes in the subject. Accessibility Many of the people who read this will already have personal experience of
Andreas willingness to respond to queries and pleas ranging from the minor
to the desperate. The whole ADHD community is indebted to her and joins in
celebration of her OBE and gratitude for her work.
new workshops for parents and teenagers, Saturday 15th June London New Courses for Teachers New dates for 1-2-3 Magic
Practitioner Training for 2017
Volunteering opportunities at
ADDISS Helpline assistant and general office administration
ADDISS, the National Charity for ADHD, based in Edgware, has opportunities
for well motivated people who wish to volunteer on our national telephone
helpline. This is a great opportunity for a professional who is between jobs
and may wish to learn first hand from parents what its like living day today with a child with ADHD or being
an adult who may or may not have a diagnosis and the barriers they face in
getting the help they need.
We are also looking for part time admin assistants who can commit to one or
two days a week long term, training will be provided and these opportunities
may lead to paid employment.
Full travel and parking expenses will be reimbursed.
If you would like further information please email: Trustees@addiss.co.uk or
telephone 020 8952 1515
deficit hyperactivity disorder: Diagnosis and management of ADHD in children,
young people and adults
You can read the full guidance on the NICE website where you will find
documents for professionals and patients.
Donate to ADDISS when you sell on eBay
You will be pleased to know that ADDISS are now a registered charity with
eBay. You are now able to donate securely and instantaneously a small
percentage of what you sell through eBay to ADDISS .
Support ADDISS while doing what you do everyday on
eBay. Buyers can shop, safe in the knowledge that their money will find its
way to charity. Meanwhile sellers can choose a charity, followed by the
percentage of the sales price they wish to donate and eBay do the rest.
Charity Items generally receive: More bids, greater awareness & increased
buyer confidence.
ADHD MEDICATIONS (released 22 March 2006)
See Summary Report Here (Adobe Acrobat file -
First major title written by Thomas E Brown PhD has now been published and is
available from ADDISS. Click
Here for more details.
020 8952 2800
Fax: 020 3490 2332
e-mail: info@addiss.co.uk
P O Box 340
Registered Charity 1070827
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